German Language Lessons with Srunee
A1 German Language Lessons with Srunee
Introduction to German Language & Culture
Get to know about Germany, its culture, importance of learning German, about exams, and more.
Vocabulary Building
– Greetings and Introductions
-Common Everyday Vocabulary
– Days of the week, months, seasons.
– Basic colors, weather terms, family members.
– Common objects in the home, workplace, and public places.
– *Basic Food and Drink Vocabulary
– Ordering food and drinks in a café or restaurant.
Pronunciation Rules
– German alphabets, letters and sounds.
– Pronunciation of umlauts (ä, ö, ü) and the ß character.
– Practice with common word stress patterns and rhythm.
– Nouns and Articles
– Pronouns
Personal and possessive
– Verbs
Regular and irregular verbs in the present tense.
Modal verbs
– Basic Sentence Structure
Simple sentences
Word order in statements and questions.
– Negation
– Using nicht and kein to negate sentences.
Reading & Writing Practice
– Reading Simple Texts
Reading and understanding basic short texts, such as advertisements, signs, and short emails.
– Writing Simple Sentences
– Filling Out Forms
– Understanding and completing forms with personal details.
Everyday Situations and Conversations
At the Restaurant or Café
– Ordering food and drinks.
– Understanding a menu and making requests.
– Asking about prices, quantities, and product information.
Asking for Directions
– Basic phrases for navigating around a city or asking for help.
– Booking tickets, asking for transportation information.
Exam preparation ( If needed)
– Regular quizzes and exercises to reinforce vocabulary and grammar.
– Group activities and interactive tasks to build conversational skills.
– Weekly assessments to track progress and understand the German exams . Practice Mock exam papers .
A2 German Language Lessons with Srunee
Speaking - Everyday Topics
– Introducing yourself and others.
– Talking about family, hobbies, and daily routines.
– Describing people, places, and events.
– Food and drink vocabulary
– Shopping vocabulary
– *Time and Dates*
– Days of the week, months, seasons.
– Telling the time and making appointments.
– *Travel and Transportation*
– Asking for directions, buying tickets, navigating public transport.
– Vocabulary related to hotels, restaurants, and other tourist settings.
– *Health and Well-being*
– Talking about illnesses and going to the doctor.
– Describing physical conditions.
– Sentence Structure
Introduction to subordinate clauses
– Tenses
Present tense (Präsens) of regular and irregular verbs.
Past tense: Introduction to Perfekt
– Modal Verbs
– Adjectives
– Using adjectives with the correct endings in sentences.
– Prepositions with accusative and dative cases .
– Reflexive pronouns and their use in everyday actions.
Listening and Reading Practice
– Understanding simple dialogues and conversations
– We will practice listening by watching native speakers conversations .
– Listening to short audio clips or videos and answering comprehension questions.
– Reading short texts such as simple news articles, personal letters, and advertisements.
– Understanding everyday written language in real contexts.
Writing Practice
– Writing Simple Sentences
– Writing Short Letters or Emails
– Introducing yourself and your plans in written .
– Fill-in-the-Blank Exercises
– Basic Sounds and Stress Patterns
– Focus on the correct pronunciation of vowels, diphthongs, and consonants.
– Emphasis on word stress in common words.
– Listening to Native Speakers
– Exposure to authentic German pronunciation through audio and video clip
Exam Preparation (If needed)
– Regular quizzes and exercises to reinforce vocabulary and grammar.
– Group activities and interactive tasks to build conversational skills.
– Weekly assessments to track progress and understand the German exams . Practice mock exam papers.
B1 German Language Lessons with Srunee
– Relative Clauses
– *Subjunctive II (Konjunktiv II)
– Passive Voice (Passiv):
– Sentence Structure with Conjunctions:
– Prepositions with Cases (Wechselpräpositionen)
– Indirect Speech (Indirekte Rede)
Vocabulary Building & Speaking Practice
– Greetings and Introductions
– Asking and giving personal information
– Numbers
-Common Everyday Vocabulary
– Days of the week, months, seasons.
– Basic colors, weather terms, family members.
– Common objects in the home, workplace, and public places.
– *Basic Food and Drink Vocabulary
– Ordering food and drinks in a café or restaurant.
Speaking practice by listening to native German speakers audio lessons podcasts .
Listening and Reading Practice
Listening & Reading Comprehension*
– Understanding Short Conversations and Announcements
– Listen to everyday conversations and public announcements to improve comprehension.
– Listening to Audio Clips
Writing Practice
– Informal and Formal Writing
– Learn how to write informal letters, emails, and messages, as well as formal letter
– Summarizing Texts
– Expressing Views in Essays
Exam preparation (If needed )
– Regular quizzes and exercises to reinforce vocabulary and grammar.
– Group activities and interactive tasks to build conversational skills.
– Weekly assessments to track progress and understand the German exams . Practice Mock exam papers .
B2 German Language Lessons with Srunee
– Complex Sentencess Subjunctive I & II, indirect speech, and hypothetical statements (if-clauses).
– Verb Conjugation- In-depth
– Modal Verbs Extended usage
– Word Order
– Advance Prepositions usage
Vocabulary & Speaking Practice
– Discussing ideas, theories, and opinions on topics like culture, politics, and society.
– Idiomatic Expressions Everyday phrases and common sayings to express emotions or situations.
– Technical Vocabulary – Words related to fields like business, science, art, technology, and current affairs.
Presentations, Debates , Discussions
Listening and Reading Practice
– Radio News – Understanding news broadcasts on diverse topics. – Interviews and Discussions Comprehension of formal and informal conversations, such as job interviews, debates, and discussions.
Reading Comprehension*
– Newspaper Articles: Understanding articles on current events, political issues, and economic reports. – Expository and Argumentative Texts – Analyzing essays and opinion pieces, identifying the main argument, and evaluating supporting evidence.
Writing Practice
Formal and Informal Letters, Essays, Reports, Reviews
Exam Preparation ( If needed)
– Regular quizzes and exercises to reinforce vocabulary and grammar.
– Group activities and interactive tasks to build conversational skills.
– Weekly assessments to track progress and understand the German exams . Practice mock exam papers.
Hobby German Language Lessons with Srunee
Building a Strong Foundation in German for Everyday Use
At our academy, we aim to help learners build a solid foundation in German for practical, everyday use while also introducing them to the rich and vibrant German culture. The journey begins with an engaging introduction to the German language, where learners explore essential topics such as building basic vocabulary and mastering common phrases. Gradually, we delve into simple yet effective grammar concepts, including articles, nouns, and verbs, while focusing on constructing basic sentence structures.
Practical conversations and listening and speaking exercises
Practical conversations and listening and speaking exercises form a core part of the learning process. Through interactive activities like role-play scenarios—such as introducing yourself or ordering food—learners develop confidence in real-life situations. To make learning enjoyable and immersive, we incorporate tools like flashcards for vocabulary practice, German word search and crossword puzzles, and cultural insights to deepen understanding. These fun and practical activities are designed to enhance learning and foster a genuine appreciation for the German language and culture.
German Exam Prep Lessons with Srunee
For All Levels (A1- B2)
Even if you’ve completed your German course but haven’t taken the exam yet, or if it’s been a long time since your course and you feel the need to brush up, this Exam Preparation Program is designed for you!
Why Choose This Program?
– You don’t need to repeat the entire course!
– Focused sessions ensure your basics are solid before diving into exam-specific preparation.
– Systematic preparation for all four modules (Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking).
– Personalized feedback and test strategies to boost your confidence.
What Does the Program Include?
-Strengthening Basics
– Comprehensive review of essential grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure.
– Quick refreshers on critical language rules specific to your exam level.
– Exercises to solidify your foundational knowledge.
Focused Skill Development
– Reading Module:
– Techniques to effectively skim, scan, and comprehend texts.
– Practice with exam-style reading comprehension tasks.
– Writing Module
-Listening Module
-Speaking Module
-Writing module
Mock Exams and Model Tests
– Practice exams tailored to your level
– Timed tests to simulate actual exam conditions.
– Detailed feedback to highlight strengths and areas for improvement.
Explore Detailed Course Syllabus for All Levels (A1 to C2)
For a comprehensive overview of the German language curriculum, including course details from A1 to C2 levels, visit the official Goethe Institute website. There, you’ll find in-depth information about course structures, learning objectives, and exam preparation strategies.
Click here for more information on the Goethe Institute’s German courses.
Why German Language Lessons with Srunee Are the Right Choice for You

✔ Engaging & Practical Learning
If you’re looking for effective and easy-to-follow German Language Lessons with Srunee, you’ve come to the right spot. These lessons are structured to make learning enjoyable and applicable, whether you’re starting from A1 or working toward B2. With a focus on real-life applications, you’ll gain the confidence to communicate effectively in German.
✔ Step-by-Step Progression
When you choose German Language Lessons with Srunee, you’re taking the first step toward mastering the language. Every lesson builds on the previous one, ensuring you develop a solid foundation as you progress. From basic vocabulary to more complex grammar, the lessons are designed to be engaging and straightforward, helping you move at your own pace.
✔ Flexible Learning That Works for You
With German Language Lessons with Srunee, you can learn at your own pace while still receiving structured guidance. Whether you prefer an intensive learning schedule or a more relaxed approach, these lessons are adaptable to fit your needs. They provide flexibility to help you advance confidently at every stage of your learning journey.
✔ Achieve Real-Life Language Skills
The goal of German Language Lessons with Srunee is to make your learning experience rewarding and practical. Focused on speaking, listening, and everyday usage, these lessons equip you with the tools you need not only to pass exams but also to use German in real-world situations. You’ll gain the confidence to have natural conversations in no time.